Articles from August 2009

Live Interview and Chat – 31st August 2009

I’m doing a live chat and interview with PodioRacket‘s Rhonda Carpenter on Monday 31st August at 2:30 pm PST / 5:30pm EST / 10:30pm UK (BST) and there will be prizes: Name a character – we’ll be taking suggestions for names of some of the new characters introduced in the last week or so of […]

Some Other Scotland – Ep16 – Cancer

  • Erica works on changing the tunnel.
  • Razer seeks a way out of New York.
  • Disturbing news rocks the Traigh.

Some Other Scotland – Spin-Off 02 – Mist and Shelter

The second and third of the spin-off stories to feature at Some Other Scotland are both set in the past.

The events in “Mist” take place in 1919 on a secluded beach in the North of Scotland.

The second short tale, “Shelter” is set in 1940 and has a close link to Episode 15 of ‘SOS’.

Some Other Scotland – Ep15 – Acid

  • Razer reacts to the damage he has done.
  • Erica reaches the Traigh.
  • Malcolm recognises unwelcome faces.
  • Harald searches for Charles.
  • Inside the Traigh.