‘Sobieski’ – Spin-off
Episode 101 of Every Photo Tells… contains a new spin-off story set in the world of Some Other Scotland. This one tells the story of an impromptu performance by Andy Jamieson on a cold winter’s afternoon.
Episode 101 of Every Photo Tells… contains a new spin-off story set in the world of Some Other Scotland. This one tells the story of an impromptu performance by Andy Jamieson on a cold winter’s afternoon.
There is a new SOS spin-off story over at Every Photo Tells…, called ‘The Highland Welcome’. It is about two redcoat soldiers searching for their elusive prey on a stormy night who come across more than they had bargained for. Anyone unfamiliar with SOS might think it is a ghost story, but for those in […]
Scotland, 2000 BC – Three men and a polar bear meet in a cave to change the world, but can they overcome their personal agendas and preconceptions of each other for the greater good? One petty squabble triggers a chain of events that will build over the following four thousand years, culminating in the story that takes place within “Some Other Scotland”.
Two new SOS spin-off stories have been completed recently. ‘The Castle Wall’ appears at Every Photo Tells…. It tells the story behind Harald‘s discovery in Episode 13 ‘Ghost’. As with all the spin-offs, it is a stand-alone story, but does give a little more insight into the characters. It is unusual in that it was […]
New short stories set in the world of ‘Some Other Scotland’:
‘Waxing On’, is set in 1745 during Charles’ march towards London.
‘Near Missing’ provides some background to Calum Hayston‘s character. It is set over a number of years, but ties in directly with episode 20.
If you are interested in what goes on behind the scenes to put together an episode of ‘Some Other Scotland‘, you may like to visit two blogs that have been running interviews with podcasters over the last few months.
The new website address is www.someotherscotland.com
The ‘Some Other Scotland’ Wiki can be found at www.someotherscotland.com/wiki
Mur Lafferty has recently posted an article written by me on her “I Should Be Writing” blog.
The blog is the companion to her regular podcast aimed at new and aspiring writers, one that has provided a great deal of help and inspiration to guide me on my way. The article deals with the particular challenges of writing an ongoing piece of interactive fiction like “Some Other Scotland” and how I keep track of where it is going and ensuring it stays on course.
I’m doing a live chat and interview with PodioRacket‘s Rhonda Carpenter on Monday 31st August at 2:30 pm PST / 5:30pm EST / 10:30pm UK (BST) and there will be prizes: Name a character – we’ll be taking suggestions for names of some of the new characters introduced in the last week or so of […]
Interlude 02: Listener feedback and questions. Mapping the story. Twittering characters and other extras. Podiobooks version of the podcast. Promoting SOS – StumbleUpon, iTunes, etc. Get a reminder of the Podioracket interview/chat. Great Hites can be found at greathites.blogspot.com. Follow characters Erica Wallis, Razer and DC Eddie Lake on Twitter. Google Map of SOS locations. […]
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