We are pleased to announce that ‘Some Other Scotland’ is now available at Podiobooks.com
First of all, welcome to any new listeners from Podiobooks.com. This is the official home of “Some Other Scotland” where you will find extras that won’t appear at Podiobooks.com
Regular Listeners:
The podcast feed at Podiobooks.com is a little different from the normal ‘SOS’ feed. Their focus is strictly on telling the story, so you’ll find no news items, interludes or spin-offs there. If you don’t like the newscast at the start of SOS, then try subscribing to the Podiobooks.com feed where it has been removed. It’s also a good source to go to if you want just the story, maybe to put onto CD or to pass to friends. They also offer a custom feed that lets you decide how often you want each episode delivered.
New Listeners:
If you have listened to a few episodes of the story and want a little more, don’t worry! You can subscribe to the podcast with extra news items here OR just download extra episodes as they appear (using the little ‘play’ arrow to play directly or right-clicking on the episode title).
There are occasional ‘Interludes’ where I discuss feedback and new ideas for the podcast, as well as short story spin-offs that are not essential to enjoy the main story, but often provide a little more history to certain characters.
The weekly poll to influence the plot of the story is found at this site, as well as extra links in the episode show-notes. To the right of this page you’ll also see links to other sites of interest and other ways to interact with us via Twitter and Facebook.
i tried to leave a comment on podiobooks, but with no success. i just have to say, i love this book! not crazy about the guest reader, a bit hard to understand for this yank, and she read too quickly, but the story is just so compelling! it will be hard waiting for more episodes. i don't normally start listening to book that is in progress and not finished, but i am really glad i bumped into this one.
Hi Lara – thanks for your comment. The guest reader was a bit of a one-off experiment; I will be reading all the episodes from now on, though there may be guests for the occasional character. I hope you find the wait between episodes is not too long!